WordPress 2.6 Beta 1发布

下载链接:wordpress 2.6 beta 1 改进列表:* Post Revisioning * A “Press This” bookmarklet for tumblelog style quick posting * Caching of static files with Gears for faster Admin page loads * A new and improved image editing dialog that offers lots of control over the images in your posts * Theme previewing as seen on WordPress.com * Built-in word counting in the post editor * The ability to disable remote publishing for the security conscious * XML-RPC API for changing blog options * Better SSL support for the Admin * Hierarchy-aware paging in the Manage Pages and Manage Categories admin pages. * The ability to relocate your content directory * The ability to move wp-config.php out of your web root * Drag-and-drop sortable galleries * Customizable default avatars * Bulk delete, activate, and deactivate for plugins * Check box range selection with shift-click * TinyMCE with lots of bug fixes * jQuery 1.2.6 with some nice performance improvements * jQuery UI 1.5 * Lots of bug fixes and performance improvements

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